OpenRCT2 plugin to export the scenario's terrain data into Parkitect
OpenRCT2 plugin to export the scenario's terrain data into Parkitect
Currently exports the height data, land ownership, and terrain types. Tested with OpenRCT2 v0.3.2 \ This is my first time ever touching Javascript and also making an OpenRCT2 plugin \ This is not very user friendly. Follow these steps. You will need 7zip and preferably Notepad++ \
- Launch OpenRCT2 through "" instead of the .exe so the console opens
- Open the scenario you want to export the terrain of. Under the map icon, click "Write scenario data into console"
- Your console should have a bunch of characters in it. Copy the console log to a txt file (Ctrl+A to select all and then Ctrl+C)
- Take note of the map size. Most RCT scenarios seem to be 126x126. Create an empty parkitect scenario with that map size. It must be the same map size. -You cannot save without adding a park entrance and a guest spawner, so I recommend puting it in a corner because you will need to delete it later -Save and quit the scenario
- Go to your Parkitect scenarios folder. Should be in "Documents\Parkitect\Saves\Scenarios". Open the .SCENARIO file with 7zip and extract the file inside that archive. Should just be a single "File" file.
- Open the file and the exported data file in Notepad++ (Turn on word wrap for sanity's sake). In the parkitect file, Ctrl+F for "landPatchHeights". \
-You should see something like "xSize":126,"ySize":126,"zSize":4,"data": \
-After "data": is hundreds of characters surrounded by quotation marks. Select them all, then delete. You can double click to quickly select them all
- Go to your exported data file. Under "Height Data" is the data parkitect can read. Copy and paste the new data to where the old data was.
- (Sometimes the data ends in a '==' and double clicking doesn't select those characters, like in the pictures)
- Right at the end of the height data should be the "landPatchOwnerships" block. Do the same thing for that data
- Right at the end of the ownership data should be the "LandPatchTerrainTypes" block. Do the same thing for that data.
- Open the .scenario file in 7zip, drag and drop the edited .file to overwrite the one inside the .scenario archive.
- Open the scenario in Parkitect and hope everything works!
Be sure to delete the old entrance and guest spawn and delivery zone from Step 4
You may have noticed the texture surfaces aren't imported. LandPatchTerrainTypes seems to only refer to the edges/walls of terrain. "terrainTextures" from the parkitect file seems to be the actual surfaces. Parkitect's surfaces are way more complex, and I could not figure out how to decode the data. It does not seem worth the effort to do so
Paths and scenery is also not imported. Despite beign realitvely easy to understand in the parkitect file, paths have a "decoResultScore": that seems to be calculated when you place the path and scenery. I opted not to bother importing paths because I do not know if the value would be recalculated when I load the scenario with imported paths
Scenery is another beast, but I only would have imported trees. I decided not to because RCT scenarios have a bunch of tree sprites and I think having the tree placement be 1:1 would impact performance too much with the polycounts. Plus RCT has way more trees than Parkitect, most trees don't fit in a single tile, and alot of the Parkitect trees are DLC