
Basic starter template for OpenRCT2 plugins

OpenRCT2 plugins starter template

A basic starter template with:

  • Typescript, with openRCT2 types
  • Rollup
  • Eslint
  • Prettier


Make sure you have an up to date version of nodejs, ideally you can install nvm and run nvm use in the folder.


  1. Create your own repository using this one as a template and clone it

  2. Update the name and author of the plugin in the package.json to what you desire. This will be used for the filename and as registration for openRCT2.

  3. Run npm install, this will also run the postinstall script which will download the openRCT2 types in the types folder.


script description
npm run build Builds the plugin in the dist folder of your project
npm run watch Watches for code changes and builds it in the OpenRCT2 folder, when no folder is found it will watch and output to the dist folder. Please make sure you have hot reload enabled in OpenRCT2.
npm run lint Runs code linting check for finding potential mistakes
npm run lint:fix Runs code linting check and fix for finding potential mistakes
npm run prettier Runs the code formatting rules for consistent code style
npm run prettier:fix Runs the code formatting rules and apply fixes for consistent code style
npm run download:types Downloads the OpenRCT2 types from the OpenRCT2 repository


Thank you to @wisnia74, I was using his project earlier openrct2-typescript-mod-template. This repository is however no longer maintained.