
This is Enhanced-RideInfo-Window version Thrilltracker (2.0.0)

DISCLAIMER: This is a beta release of the Enhanced-RideInfo-Window. It is not guaranteed to not break anything


This plugin is a extension on the already existing RideWindow. It allouws you to group rides and see more information about the rides. It adds a few more features to the window, such as:

  • Grouping of rides/stalls
  • Setting certain ride settings in the new RideWindow/StallWindow

It is a different type of rideWindow than the default one, so it is recommended to use the default one if you are not sure what you are doing.(Like deleting rides, renaming rides or setting certian ride settings)


image image


  1. Download the latest release from the [releases page](
  2. add the .json file to the plugins folder in your OpenRCT2 directory
  3. open the game and open the ride window and have fun!


  1. Open the ride window
  2. Click on the "Group" button to group the rides
  3. add a ride to a group by clicking on the "checkbox" next to the name of the ride
  4. click the "add to group" button to add a new group
  5. click the open group button to open the group window
  6. enjoy!


  • [Nitye_Sky]


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details


  • Thanks to the OpenRCT2 team for making this possible
  • Thanks to the OpenRCT2 community for the support
  • Thanks to Basssiiie for the template of the plugin


current Version: [BETA 1 AdventureMaster V1.3.0]


see the CHANGELOG.md file for details