
OpenRCT2 Auto Marketing Plugin

The OpenRCT2 Auto Marketing plugin simplifies park management by automating the renewal of marketing campaigns. With this plugin, you can set up a single duration for all campaigns, configure which campaigns to include, and let the plugin handle automatic renewal when campaigns expire.


  • Automated Marketing Campaigns: Automatically renew marketing campaigns at the end of their duration.
  • Customizable Campaigns: Select and configure which campaigns to include.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Access the settings via the "Auto Marketing Campaign" window under the Map dropdown menu.
  • Enable/Disable Campaigns: Toggle campaigns on or off directly from the settings window.

Installation Instructions

  1. Compile or download the output file: openrct2-automarketing-1.0.0.js.
  2. Place the file in your OpenRCT2 plugin folder. By default, this folder is located at:
    • Windows: Documents\OpenRCT2\plugin
    • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/OpenRCT2/plugin
    • Linux: ~/.config/OpenRCT2/plugin


  1. Launch OpenRCT2.
  2. Open the "Map" dropdown menu and select "Auto Marketing Campaign" to open the settings window.
  3. In the settings window:
    • Configure the desired marketing campaigns.
    • Set a single renewal period (e.g., every 2, 4, or 6 weeks) for all campaigns.
    • Enable or disable specific campaigns as needed.
  4. The plugin will automatically manage and renew the selected campaigns based on your settings.

Enjoy seamless marketing automation and focus on building the best park possible!